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Boss Ladies TV and Entreprenista League...a match made in heaven!

Yeah! I'm part of the Entreprenista League! They are doing some amazing things to empower women across the globe. You should be a part of this initiative, too, if you aren't. I'm hoping Boss Ladies TV Boss Ladies VIP can partner with them in 2022. Check it out!
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Money Manifestation Through Imagination

Make 2015 the best year yet!

Do whatever you can to feel good, because when you feel good, life will be good. The better you feel, the better life will get! Think about, talk about, and focus on the areas of your life that make you feel good, and temporarily keep off the subjects that don't make you feel good. When you do this one simple thing, everything in your life will get better, whether that's better relationships, health, money, or better circumstances with your job. Nothing in your life can ever improve until you feel better, and when you feel better, everything will improve. Make feeling as good as you can your number one priority for 2015, and it will be the best year of your life! Change your words, change your life with Switchword Magic.

Remember to Attract What You Want in Life

Remember to Attract What You Want in Life Each of us is attracting in every moment of our lives. So when you feel that the law isn't working for you because you don't have what you want, realize that the law is responding to you. You are either attracting what you want or you are attracting the absence of what you want. The law is still working. Change your words, change your life. Purchase Switchword Magic today.

5 Secrets to have anything and everything you want in life

5 Secrets to Success 1. Know what you don’t want. Flip switch that into a positive statement about what you do want. 2. Set your intentions on what you do want. 3. Get clear. Eliminate any contra thoughts that hinder what you do want. 4. Visualize and feel what it would be like if you had the things you want. 5. Let go of desperation and don’t get caught up in the how it will happen. Focus on your passion and take action. Change your words, change your life. Purchase your copy of Switchword Magic today!

Switchwords in Action - Unexpected Blessings

Switchwords in Action - Unexpected Blessings It’s a good idea to incorporate switchwords in your daily routine, at least once a day at minimum, even when you don’t know what to ask for and just want the best to come to you.  I like doing it in the morning while doing routine tasks such as getting dressed.  It’s like the concept of set it and forget it.  You set your intention for whatever you want and then forget it and let God and the Universe work the magic. If you want overall good fortune to come your way in any way that it chooses to come to you, use FIND COUNT = to attract wealth. Sometimes we don’t get what we want because we are dictating and telling the universe what to bring to us and how to bring what we want instead of just allowing the Universe to use the best method possible to bring the best thing into our lives for our greatest good. This is a prime example.  I didn't ask for anything in particular, just anything that is for my greatest good an...

Appreciation attracts appreciation!

To allow the Universe to move you in your life to happier and better things, you are going to need to look around you and appreciate the good things here and now. Seek the beautiful things and count the blessings of where you are. Dissatisfaction will not bring the happier and the better into your life. Dissatisfaction roots you to the spot where you currently are, but appreciation for what you have attracts the happier and better to you. Remember that you are a magnet! Appreciation attracts appreciation! Change your words, change your life. Order your copy of Switchword Magic today!